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Motorcycle Injury Attorney

If you’re not protected, and you’re in a wreck, you’re going to be hurt. Maybe severely. You’ll need a lawyer who can fight for you, and get you fairly compensated.

The vast majority of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death. You might have brain trauma, an amputation, or complicated internal injuries. You’re not enclosed, or restrained, as you would be if you were in a car – so the chances are your injuries are worse.

You’ve already lost work. Maybe you don’t even know when you can go back to work. Your medical bills are too much to think about. The pain hasn’t stopped yet, and you don’t know when it will. Maybe your entire life is changing.

You need a lawyer who’s worked with injured people before. Who knows how to get you the money you need for you and your family.

I can help you get lost wages, payment for medical bills, and compensation for your pain and suffering.

This is a lot to think about. You’re not going to learn everything you need from a website, or a piece of paper. So give me a call, at 513-621-4775. I can answer your questions.

There is no charge for talking to me, and it’s confidential. I want to help you.

If you decide to use another lawyer, or deal with the insurance company on your own, that’s OK. But you owe it to yourself – and your family – to get the best advice you can.