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Does It Matter How Hard The Truck Hit Me?

Not necessarily.

Nothing’s better to prove your personal injury lawsuit than a big wreck, with a big repair bill, or even a totaled vehicle.

But a lot of the time, there are other things to think about.

It’s not likely with a truck, but what if your car was submarined  – that is, the hood of the car that hit you slid under the back of  your car, resulting in minor damage to  your car, and substantial damage to the hood of the car that hit you.

Or what if you need carpal tunnel surgery because of the wreck – the impact was not that great, but it drove your wrists into the steering wheel.

Not all medium to high speed impacts result in a lot of damage to the car that is hit. And sometimes, a combination of prompt medical treatment, no substantial history of prior injury, and an “outrage” factor – such as a drunk driver, a driver leaving the scene, or a clear disregard on the part of the other driver for human safety – can result in the insurance company looking at your case more realistically, even fairly.

One of my biggest settlements involved a barely dented bumper that was fixed by my client’s husband.  There was one picture of the bumper; you could barely see the damage.

But the other driver was cited for drunk driving, and my client had no prior history and started treating right away. She wound up with three spinal surgeries, all of which her doctor attributed to the accident.

I have been a lawyer over 30 years. The most important thing you can do after a truck accident is to see a doctor or a hospital right away.  If you’ve been hurt by a truck, give me a ring at 513-621-4775.

Because all situations are different, and because there may be other facts pertaining to your case that I don’t know about, you should not rely on this answer for legal advice. I am not your attorney, and no lawyer client relationship has been formed.  All discussions are limited to Ohio law unless otherwise indicated.  And past performance cannot be used to predict future results.



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